I. Aim of the
- To raise the interest of children and youth to geography as
a window to other countries, lands and people.
- To enlarge their knowledge about Europe - it's countries and
people; the multitude of nationalities and ethnicity groups; natural wonders
and resourses ; economic and cultural development; historical monuments; the
unique traditions, parallel to the Europe-wide respected festivities;
different lifestyles, etc…
- To encourage children in finding out about their local
natural and cultural treasuries, and making them known to other young people
in Europe.
- To gain the support and cooperation of local and regional
educational and scientific institutions; media; commersial and tourist
agencies, NGOs ; businessmen and other interested individuals for scientific,
methodological and financial aid in favour of the research and presentation
activities of European children and youth.
- To organize competitions and international meetings of most
siccessful competitors.
- To provide for the accomplishment of international trips and
scientific excursions for reagional and national competition winners.
- To build and support an On line Magazine informing about
project proceedings, for the entire project duration
- To publish a picture geography catalogue "My country in our
Europe" where material gathered from all participating countries will be
II. Expected
- Enlarging children's awareness about their European
neighborhood, improving their understanding and acceptance of the variety of
nationalities and ethnicities, broadening their knowledge of other countries'
natural phenomena and resources, their economic and social development,
historical and cultural monuments, unique festivities and traditions, great
personalities, making their nations famous througs their creations and
inventions, etc…
- Stimulation of national and regional selfawareness of
participating children, on the basis of awakening and supporting their
interest in local/regional/national/ research, and their desire to present
their findings to other friends form the European Community
- Stimulation of the children's interest to communicate
between each other, sharing information about their countries and people
through the means of mail and Internet correspondence, as well as exchanges of
- Opening and maintaining a new niche in Media space for
children and youth, other than "pop" culture, that could be filled in with
exciting information about nature, people and lifestyles in different European
- Organization and popularization of geography-related
regional, national and transnational competitions, exchange of visits and
conference meetings.
III. Partners:
- COORDINATOR: NGO "Child's Friend" - Bulgaria,
Supported by representatives of scientific and
educational institutions, the press and electronic media, tourist agencies and
business associations.
2 . Education institutions and individuals from different
European countries /at least 2 of them - members of the EU/.
IV. Target Group:
School children from all European countries.
V. Featured
1. Preparatory:
- Initiating a center for project organization.
- Spreading information about project's aims.
- Looking for partners
- Outworking the schedule of events and activities.
2. Essential activities:
- Advertizing the goals of the project to a broad audience in
the education world.
- Keeping partners informed on recent activities and new
- Building the framework of the project Web Site /and gradual
filling up with information/ of the On line Magazine.
- Gathering and evaluating materials sent from children and
- Organisation and implementation of regional, national and
transnational geography competitions.
- International meetings of winner competitors.
- Publishing and distributing of the pictuge geography
catallogue "My Country In Our Europe" exhibiting the best material gathered
from different countries.
VI. Project Callendar:
- /20.02.2001 - 20.08.2001 / Preparatory activities.
- /20.08.2001 - 20.11.2001/ Start of project activities.
20.11.2001 - 1st TV competition.
- /20.11.2001 - 20.08.2004/ Essential activities according to
VII. Evaluation of
- All interested institutions, groups and individuals can find
information on project events and results in the different phases of it's
duration from the Project WEB SITE.
- Detailed information about the concrete results achieved by
different participants will be available in audio and video recordings, as
well as press articles and media programmes, written and recorded interviews
with different participants and members of the international juries.
The final display of results will find place in the Geography
Picture Journal "My Country in Our Europe".