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Welcome to
"Child's Friend"
 is an association of artists, scientists and teachers,
working together to make learning an enjoyable
adventure both for children and their educators.
Main Goal:
To preserve and enrich the humanitarian, cultural and
ethical background in the process of early childhood
To develop a system introducing arts, crafts and games as
an  essential part of every class and lesson.
To create an atmosphere of love, care and mutual respect
among children and teachers.
To encourage children's' creativity, ingenuity and

How it works:

People of art and science work together with
teachers on special learning programs.
Lesson units are supplied with appropriate 
animating modules which enclose creative arts, intellectual
or physical exercise games, making the teaching and
learning process a real joyful adventure.
This enjoyable practice helps children not only to learn
more, faster and better, but also leaves a deep and lasting
trace of the newly obtained knowledge.

Simultaneous work over one  and  the same theme
is going on in lessons of several different subjects, which
helps the broad, multiple view and emotionally coloured
understanding of the new material.
The People:
Initiators -  Eminent people of Bulgarian
culture, science and art: actors,  musicians,  artists,
writers and  teachers.
Members-Teachers, parents, artists.
Beneficiary-  Thousands  of  children .
Chairperson-Mrs. Tzvetana Platikanova . 
Thanks for Visiting
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