BULGARIA - The Fairy Tale I Live In...
Welcome, friend!

Give me your hand, and I'll lead you through my fairy country - Bulgaria...

  It is not the biggest, and it's not the richest of all countries, but it's the one I love best.

  Let me show you some of the wonders that make my country a Fairy Land... 



Within half a day's journey 
through Bulgaria, you can see most of the wonders 
of Nature...


Warm sand dunes, 
flourishing gardens, 
steep mountains with 
never melting  sow,
 welcoming sea, 
green fields, 
streaming rivers, 
and crystal lakes.

Bulgaria is named
"Country of roses".
The Rose Valley is situated in it's very heart.


 Bulgaria is a fairy country not only thanks to it's natural beauties, but also due to it's ancient history and traditions.
You can find wonderful historical monuments, architecture and pieces of art, dated from before several thousand years...

Tracian Riton - B.C. The Madara Horseman
Tracian cemetery Tracian Plate - B.C.
King Ivan Shishman and family Interior of Rila Monastery
Rila Monastery Old town



You certainly will fall in love with our towns and villages,
and our friendly people - our grannies and grandpas,
our mummies and daddies, and us - the youngest ones...


 We wanted to show you much more,
but there couldn't be enough space in the Web.

So, better - come here, and be our guest!

Welcome to Bulgaria!
Sofia - Palace of Culture


We are proud participants and coordinators of the EU Comenius Projects


Home  Project Kindergarten Bulgaria Sofia
Theatre Tzvetana Association Programme Photos
