
Theatre Formation
"Child's Friend"
   Founded in 1989, 
by a group of Bulgarian actors from several leading theatres,
who have had a successful experience in performing for children, mainly on TV.
Managing director -
actress Tzvetana Platikanova.
The repertory of the Theatre Formation includes a number of contemporary plays, concert shows, and musicals.

The most important feature
of our performances is the
spontaneous participation
of all children from the public in the proceeding on stage.
Children have the genuine sensation of creating and changing
the flow of events, while discretely guided by the crew towards the desired result.
Theatre Formation "Child's Friend" performs on
various theatre stages and concert halls in Sofia city
and throughout the country.
It also  visits schools, Kindergartens, and orphanages.
Takes part in open air shows for special festive occasions.
Home EU-Project Kindergarten Bulgaria Sofia
Theatre Tzvetana Association Programme Photos
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